Friday, September 3, 2010

love, life and everything in-between...

i might want to begin by stating that i am a very opinionated person and what goes on in my life is pretty much what i want it to be like. if i dont like something im not going to play along and like it just because someone else might get hurt or offended if i dont.
ok, so now i can safely say that love is not the single greatest feeling in the world and whoever said it was, lied!! yes, they lied...most of the time if not all the time, love hurts more than it is going to keep you happy. yes i have had bad past experiences and i cannot single out one guy who was perfect when it comes to love, then again nothing is perfect. truth is, love hurts and it sucks out all your energy till you become either suicidal or homicidal. all great love stories end up in tragedy. #FACT
the best we can ever do when it comes to love is compromise our sanity and hope for the best...though deep down we know it is twisted, half the things we do for love cannot be explained anyway so certainly we dont expect anything good to come out of something we ourselves do not understand. this love story is so complex i do not even have the will power to go deep on it without letting myself feel empty and sad.

so anyway, the issue of perfectism always baffles me. i have concluded that there is no such thing as pefect. mainly because whoever came up with the word perfect was referring to something they saw from their own opinion. considering that everyone has his/her own opinion, it is practically impossible to come up with one perfect conclusion for anything really. so in my own personal opinion, something i can call perfect is something that satisfies both my curiosity and need. i can just say contentment is perfect for anyone or anything. because when something gets to the point where you cant add or remove anything from it, it can be said it is perfect. even if someone else chooses to differ from your conclusion, it really doesnt count because at the end of the day, your life and what you deem perfect only applies to you. if you are content i dont see why anyone else would want to say it is not perfect for you because they are not you! it is true that no man is an island, but it is also a fact that your actions directly affect you alone, and not the next person. of course that is a story i will tell you about another day but for today i believe we are done...

Monday, August 2, 2010

All things happen for a matter how invalid some of the reasons may long as they stated, they are good enough!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Life is like an everlasting Deja`Vu..I feel like have lived throughout all this before but, this time I just have to do it better than the last time:)